Between May 24th and 29th, Príncipe Island will welcome an international event with the participation of distinguished scientists in which the whole of the population will be involved. 

The aim of this event is to celebrate the centenary of the 1919 solar eclipse, create the cornerstone for the physical legacy of this episode in the island of Príncipe with the close collaboration of the international scientific community, like it happened 100 years ago.  


Programme and Abstracts


Live streaming sessions



  • Principe and Sobral: 100 years later – Chris Taxis (HBD), Manuel Penhor (Universidade de São Tomé e Príncipe), Temóteo Neves (Governo Regional do Príncipe), Vinicius Oliveira (Unipampa, Campus Caçapava do Sul). Moderadora: Ana Simões (Universidade de Lisboa) – PT
  • Women and Science – Amanda Subbarao (National Geograpnic Learning | Cengage Learning), Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden University), Ivanilda Cabral (Universidade de Cabo-Verde), Rosalia Vargas (Agência Nacional de Cultura Científica e Tecnológica Ciência Viva). Moderadora: Rosa Doran (NUCLIO) – EN
  • Astronomy, África and  UN 2030 Agenda –  Ana Alice Prazeres da Mata (Governo Regional do Príncipe) , Cláudio Torres (UN-Habitat),  Teresa Lago (Universidade do Porto), Valente Cuambe (Universidade Educardo Mondlane). Moderador: João Caraça  (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)- PT



  • Challenges of Mozambique in the SKA ERA 2018-2028 – Valente Cuambe – Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo – PT
  • Eddington, eclipses in Príncipe and Sobral and general relativity  – Paulo Crawford – Universidade de Lisboa – EN
  • Telling stories with words and cartoons: From Coimbra to Príncipe– José Ramalho Santos – Universidade de Coimbra – PT
  • The perfect theory: A century of genius and a debate about general relativity– Pedro Gil Ferreira – University of Oxford -PT
  • 100 years of a Planetarium – Mark Subbarao – Adler Planetarium, Chicago – EN
  • 100 years of general theory of  relativity @ Sundy e Sobral – José Sande Lemos – Universidade de Lisboa – PT


Science Café with night sky observation

  • One Sky?  – Vinicius Oliveira –  Unipampa, Campus Caçapava do Sul – PT
  • Roça Sundy over the last century: from an agrarian structure to the identity structure of Sao Tome and Principe  – Rita Alves – Consultora UN-Habitat e Duarte Pape – Paralelo Zero, Arquitectura – PT
  • Reaching New Heights in Astronomy – Tim de Zeeuw – Leiden University – EN



  • From Einstein and Eddington to LIGO: 100 years of gravitational light deflection – organisers: José Sande Lemos, Vítor Cardoso e Carlos Herdeiro –  EN

E@S scientific component is substantiated in an international congress which will be attended by  invited renowned relativists. For more information please check the event’s page here.


Book presentation

  • O Eclipse de Einstein – Nuno Crato – Universidade de Lisboa – PT
  • Einstein, Eddington e o Eclipse: comics teaser – Ana Simões – Universidade de Lisboa – PT


Talks with scientists

Scientists will go to communities to talk to Principeans about Science topics and the importance of the island of Principe to the conception we now have of Relativity, but also to share some of their experiences and work with students and answer questions and curiosities that are raised.


Network Science

Students, teachers and science communicators from Brazil, England, Portugal and Sao Tome & Principe share experiences about science and different cultures, in school in Príncipe or virtually with the common goal of better understanding the influence of the observation of the solar eclipse of the 29 th of May 2019 for the vision of the Universe we have today.


Teacher training

Science teachers will be invited to participate in training sessions with international and national trainers in the scope of Astronomy, innovative classroom methodologies, as well as drawing and implementation of projects in schools.


Detailed information in the calendar.