On May 16th the first equipment test at Sundy took place. The advance of the work and the isolation of Sundy led astronomers to return to the small town of Sto António between 6 and 13 May, when they returned to Sundy. In this last stage the instruments were installed, verified and adjusted. On the 16th of May, and the following nights, they took the first photographs, which were also revealed during the night, a slow process due to the too high temperature of the water.

Text by: Ana Simões e Paulo Crawford

Picture: Main house before 1921, picture by Paloma Polo (2011) from the original one in Jerónimo José Carneiro’ photo album. In Seibert, G. (2016). Património Edificado de São Tomé e Príncipe. A Roça Sundy. In: Amaral, José Lobo de. (Org.). China e Países Lusófonos – Patrimônio Construído. Coleção Novos Caminhos n.º 3. 1ed. Macau: Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2016, v. 1, p. 394-415.


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